
目前顯示的是 11月 15, 2009的文章

ubuntu Audio Hijack = Audacity + PulseAudio Volume Control

Ubuntu Audio Hijack = Audacity + PulseAudio Volume Control I have been used the Audio Hijack Pro at Mac OS, It is a Audio Recording Software, Recording without MIC, Only Application Sound on OS. It's Very Useful... Something You want download the Music or Sound, But there are Flash, And no Download Links or Files.... Then you can use Audio Hijack to recording. But starting I use the Ubuntu 9.04, I Always Search What Software can do this at Ubuntu.. And I got a Audio Hijack Solution at Ubuntu. You need to install two software in Ubuntu. 1. PluseAudio Volume Control 2. Audacity Step 1. Open the Part, You want to Recording + Setp 2. Open PulseAudio Volume Control In Input tab , Change the Show "Monitors" Step 3. Open the Audacity, Then Start the Record. Then Save the Sound to the Mp3. Done.