
目前顯示的是 8月 25, 2019的文章

What? 2019 3D CAD on Windows XP

well, we all know Windows XP is coming to end in 2019. Company only provide Windows XP for work, but how I manage the 3D CAD editing and reviewing demand? running Onshape with Firefox on XP and last version of 123D program were my answer. both working great for my work PC. I guess this method can holding a little while, because onshape stop support Android 4.4 below makes my kindle fire hd7 useless though 

Windows XP Cloud file sync service in 2019 (dropbox alternative)

its hard to believe every could service stop support XP, like Dropbox, Sugar Sync, Google Drive, MS onedrive and Box. although they all still work fine via browser, my final solution is Mega.co.nz