脫蠟精密鑄造工程師筆記 - 免費 3D PDF 轉換器 Free 3D PDF Convertor

個人工作的公司不是每個台都有買 3D CAD 軟體認證,
所以有些海外廠的需要用 3D PDF 檔案來看 3D 圖檔。
There are not all computers has 3D CAD Licence in my workplace,
especially oversea branch, all rely on Adobe 3D PDF file format to see 3D CAD.

今天推薦各位使用免費的 DS Mechanical 軟體達成
You can use DesignSpark Mechanical to convert Step(stp),OBJ or STL to 3D PDF easily for free

只要打開 3D CAD 另存成 3D 刻面 PDF 即可,或是直接匯出成 3D PDF 也可以
Only need to save the file as 3D PDF. or export 3D PDF can do the same job.



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